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Call for Papers (Post-­Con­fer­ence Monograph)


After a very suc­cess­ful con­fer­ence on Com­puter­-­Me­di­ated Com­mu­nic­a­tion and Social Media Cor­pora in Bolzano, Italy in Octo­ber 2017 (cm­c­cor­por­a17) we are pre­par­ing a post-con­fer­ence monograph to be pub­lished by Cler­mont Auvergne Uni­ver­sity Pub­lish­ing House, France in the fall of 2018 as part of their Lin­guist­ics col­lec­tion Cahiers du Labor­atoire de... con­tinue reading

Sched­ule Update: Talks


Can­celled Talk Unfor­tu­nately, the talk “Re­li­able Part-of-Speech Tag­ging of Low-­fre­quency Phe­nom­ena in the Social Media” by Tobias Hors­mann, Michael Beißwenger and Tor­sten Zesch had to be can­celled (Day 1, 15:00-15:30). The “Book Launch” (Day 2, 08:45-09:00) was moved into this spot, i.e. Day 2 will start at 9:00. con­tinue reading

Regis­tra­tion CLOSED


Regis­tra­tion to the CMC-­cor­pora 2017 con­fer­ence and the CLARIN UI Event has been CLOSED. Late regis­tra­tion Please, write an e-mail to cmc-­cor­por­a2017@eur­ac.e­du. On-s­ite regis­tra­tion On-s­ite regis­tra­tion will be available... con­tinue reading

Pro­gramme Online


We have an excit­ing and full pro­gramme of present­a­tions, posters and a work­shop for cmc-­cor­por­a17. The final pro­gramme, as it will appear in the pro­ceed­ings hand­book, is now online. If there are any changes or can­cel­la­tions they will be com­mu­nic­ated in our news thread and dur­ing the con­fer­ence itself. For all presenters and poster authors, ple... con­tinue reading

For Authors (Proceedings)


By now, you should have already received the com­ments by the review­ers in an e-mail. Please take them care­fully into account. Papers The paper will be pub­lished in the online pro­ceed­ings. The paper is due on August 21st. You should sub­mit your non-an­onymised, cam­er­a-ready paper using your Easy­Chair pro­ceed­ings author role for cmc-­cor­pora 2017.... con­tinue reading



How to use TEI for the annota­tion of CMC and social media resources: a prac­tical intro­duc­tion Octo­ber 4th, 2017, 14:30–18:00, Eurac Research, Italy The goal of the event is to give a prac­tical intro­duc­tion into the annota­tion of lan­guage data from genres of com­puter­-­me­di­ated com­mu­nic­a­tion (CMC) and social media using the formats of the Text En... con­tinue reading

Regis­tra­tion OPEN


Regis­tra­tion to the CMC-­cor­pora 2017 con­fer­ence and the CLARIN UI Event is now OPEN. Regis­tra­tion form To register, please fill out the on-line regis­tra­tion form. CMC-­cor­pora 2017 con­fer­ence The regis­tra­tion fee for the CMC-­cor­pora 2017 con­fer­ence is 75 EUR and includes con­fer­ence mater­i­als, cof­fee breaks and one lunch. It does not include th... con­tinue reading

Final Call for Papers


5th Con­fer­ence on CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies (cm­c­cor­por­a17) The 5th con­fer­ence on CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies will be held in Bolzan­o/Bozen, Italy on 3-4 Octo­ber 2017 and will focus on the col­lec­tion, ana­lysis and pro­cessing of mono and mul­timod­al, syn­chron­ous and asyn­chron­ous com­mu­nic­a­tions. The focus w... con­tinue reading



How to use TEI for the annota­tion of CMC and social media resources: a prac­tical intro­duc­tion Octo­ber 5th, 2017, 10:30–14:00, Eurac Research, Italy The goal of the event is to give a prac­tical intro­duc­tion into the annota­tion of lan­guage data from genres of com­puter­-­me­di­ated com­mu­nic­a­tion (CMC) and social media using the formats of the Text En... con­tinue reading

Regis­tra­tion still closed


Regis­tra­tion to the CMC-­cor­pora 2017 con­fer­ence is still CLOSED. The regis­tra­tion fee for reg­u­lar par­ti­cipants is 75 EUR and includes con­fer­ence mater­i­als, cof­fee breaks, and lunch. con­tinue reading

Call for Papers


5th Con­fer­ence on CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies (cm­c­cor­por­a17) The 5th con­fer­ence on CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies will be held in Bolzan­o/Bozen, Italy on 3-4 Octo­ber 2017 and will focus on the col­lec­tion, ana­lysis and pro­cessing of mono and mul­timod­al, syn­chron­ous and asyn­chron­ous com­mu­nic­a­tions. The focus w... con­tinue reading

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