For Authors (Proceedings)


By now, you should have already received the com­ments by the review­ers in an e-mail. Please take them care­fully into account.


The paper will be pub­lished in the online pro­ceed­ings. The paper is due on August 21st.

You should sub­mit your non-an­onymised, cam­er­a-ready paper using your Easy­Chair pro­ceed­ings author role for cmc-­cor­pora 2017.

The page limit is 4 pages + up to 2 pages (an­nexes + ref­er­ences), and all sub­mis­sions must fol­low the template.


The dimen­sions of your poster can be up to DIN A0 format (841 × 1189 mil­li­meters or 33.11 × 46.81 inches) in por­trait orientation.

An exten­ded abstract will be pub­lished in the online pro­ceed­ings. The exten­ded abstract is due on August 21st.

You should sub­mit your non-an­onymised, cam­er­a-ready exten­ded abstract using your Easy­Chair pro­ceed­ings author role for cmc-­cor­pora 2017.

The limit is 15-20 lines of abstract text (roughly around 500 word­s), and option­ally the rest of the page for ref­er­ences. All in all, your exten­ded abstract and the ref­er­ences must not exceed a single page. Use the Abstract text field (the top text field that spans both columns) of the template for your text and the two columns format for your optional references.


The tem­plates are avail­able here:

Any ques­tions should be sent via e-mail.