CMC-­Cor­pora 2017 @ Eurac Research

Octo­ber, 3-4th 2017

Post-­con­fer­ence Volume Online Pro­ceed­ings Online Twit­ter Moment



CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies is the 5th edi­tion of an annual con­fer­ence series ded­ic­ated to the col­lec­tion, annota­tion, pro­cessing and exploit­a­tion of cor­pora of com­puter­-­me­di­ated com­mu­nic­a­tion (CMC) and social media for research in the human­it­ies. The con­fer­ence brings together lan­guage-­centered research on CMC and social media in lin­guist­ics, philo­lo­gies, com­mu­nic­a­tion sci­ences, media and social sci­ences with research ques­tions from the fields of cor­pus and com­pu­ta­tional lin­guist­ics, lan­guage tech­no­logy, text tech­no­logy, and machine learning.

The con­fer­ence will include a post-­con­fer­ence workshop on using the TEI for annot­at­ing CMC and social media resources (4 Octo­ber). The con­fer­ence will be fol­lowed by the 4th Learner Cor­pus Research Conference and its pre­ced­ing con­fer­ence work­shop, which will both be held at the same venue from 4-7 October.

Eurac Research
Eurac Research

The Insti­tute for Spe­cial­ised Com­mu­nic­a­tion and Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism aims to provide sci­entific answers to cur­rent issues of lan­guage and edu­ca­tion policy as well as to eco­nomic and social ques­tions at local and inter­na­tional level.

It is part of Eurac Research, an innov­at­ive centre for research and train­ing based in South Tyr­ol, Ita­ly. This private research centre foun­ded in 1992 today hosts an inter­na­tional com­munity of research­ers. Inter­dis­cip­lin­ary teams con­duct research in four main sub­ject areas: auto­nom­ies, health, moun­tains and technologies.

Latest news

Post-­con­fer­ence Volume Online

Post-­con­fer­ence Volume (Mono­graph) The post-­con­fer­ence volume (mono­graph) is avail­able now: Online Store and Pub­lish­er’s Website. con­tinue reading

Sched­ule Update: Post-­Con­fer­ence Monograph

Date for sub­mis­sion of revised ver­sion moved up Cop­ies of the reviews have been sent. Be advised that we moved up the date for the sub­mis­sion of the revised ver­sions: it is 1st May now (in­stead of 15th May). con­tinue reading

Call for Papers (Post-­Con­fer­ence Monograph)

After a very suc­cess­ful con­fer­ence on Com­puter­-­Me­di­ated Com­mu­nic­a­tion and Social Media Cor­pora in Bolzano, Italy in Octo­ber 2017 (cm­c­cor­por­a17) we are pre­par­ing a post-con­fer­ence monograph to be pub­lished by Cler­mont Auvergne Uni­ver­sity Publishing... con­tinue reading
