Call for Papers


5th Con­fer­ence on CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies (cmccorpora17)

The 5th con­fer­ence on CMC and Social Media Cor­pora for the Human­it­ies will be held in Bolzan­o/Bozen, Italy on 3-4 Octo­ber 2017 and will focus on the col­lec­tion, ana­lysis and pro­cessing of mono and mul­timod­al, syn­chron­ous and asyn­chron­ous com­mu­nic­a­tions. The focus will encom­pass dif­fer­ent CMC gen­res. These include, but are not lim­ited to, dis­cus­sion for­ums, blogs, news­groups, emails, SMS and What­s­App, text chats, wiki dis­cus­sions, social net­work exchanges (such as Face­book, Twit­ter, Linked­in), dis­cus­sions in mul­timodal and/or 3D envir­on­ments (vir­tual worlds, gam­ing worlds).

The con­fer­ence will bring together research­ers who are inter­ested in the col­lec­tion, organ­iz­a­tion, pro­cessing, ana­lysis and shar­ing of CMC data for research pur­poses. We invite sub­mis­sions on cor­pus ana­lysis of vari­ous types of CMC data for lin­guistic or applied lin­guistic pur­poses and Nat­ural Lan­guage Processing.

The con­fer­ence is hos­ted by Eurac Research and will be fol­lowed by the 4th Learner Cor­pus Research Conference, which will be held at the same venue from 5-7 October.

Top­ics of interest

  1. Devel­op­ment of CMC corpora
    • Build­ing CMC cor­pora: from data col­lec­tion to publication
    • Open data for research on CMC: ques­tions of eth­ics and rights
    • Annota­tion of CMC gen­res: rep­res­ent­a­tion of CMC gen­res, annota­tion of lin­guistic phe­nom­ena, metadata
    • Mul­timodal corpora
  2. Ana­lysis of CMC corpora
    • Soci­o­lin­guistic stud­ies of CMC
    • Dis­course ana­lysis of CMC
    • Lin­guistic char­ac­ter­ist­ics of CMC
    • Mul­timodal aspects of CMC
    • Lan­guage in con­tact and code-switch­ing in CMC
    • CMC in lan­guage learn­ing & teaching
  3. Nat­ural Lan­guage Pro­cessing of CMC
    • Normalization
    • PoS Tagging
    • Lemmatization
    • Syn­tactic parsing
    • Named-entity recognition

Sub­mis­sion procedure

We invite sub­mis­sions for papers, posters and soft­ware/­cor­pus demon­stra­tions on any topic rel­ev­ant to the above list of themes. For this con­fer­ence, we are request­ing exten­ded abstracts (2-4 pages) in Eng­lish. All abstracts will be peer­-re­viewed by the sci­entific com­mit­tee. All sub­mis­sions should fol­low the tem­plate which you can down­load here:

Please sub­mit your paper via the online con­fer­ence sys­tem (EasyChair).

Paper present­a­tions will con­sist of a 20 minute talk fol­lowed by 10 minutes for ques­tions and dis­cus­sion. The poster present­a­tion­and soft­ware/­cor­pus demon­stra­tion ses­sion will be opened with each presen­ter­/­demon­strator giv­ing a one-minute ‘teaser talk.’ Accep­ted papers will be pub­lished in online pro­ceed­ings before the con­fer­ence. After the con­fer­ence, authors of best-re­viewed papers will be invited to sub­mit exten­ded ver­sions of their papers to be pub­lished in an edited mono­graph to appear in 2018.

Import­ant dates

1st June 21st June Sub­mis­sion deadline
5th July 21st July 31st July Noti­fic­a­tion of acceptance
5th August 21st August 29th August Sub­mis­sion of cam­er­a-ready version
24th September Regis­tra­tion closes
3rd & 4th October Con­fer­ence and CLARIN UI Event

Sci­entific Committee

(Uni­versité Cler­mont Auvergne, France)
(Uni­versity of Duis­bur­g-Essen, Germany)
(Uni­versity of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
(Eurac Research, Italy)
(Uni­versity of Oulu, Finland)
(Uni­versity of Basel, Switzerland)
(Jožef Stefan Insti­tute, Slovenia)
(Uni­versità di Bologna, Italy)
(Eurac Research, Italy)
(Ber­lin-Branden­bur­gis­che Akademie der Wis­senschaften, Germany)
(Uni­versité de Cergy-­Pon­toise, France)
(In­sti­tut für Deutsche Sprac­he, Germany)
(Uni­versity of Bel­grade, Serbia)
(Uni­versity of Val­lad­olid, Spain)
(Uni­versity of Nice Sophia Antipol­is, France)
(New­castle Uni­versity, United Kingdom)
(Uni­versity for For­eign­ers, Italy)
(Eurac Research, Italy)
(Uni­versit­aet Man­nheim, Germany)